10 interesting facts about the Egyptians

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The ancient Egyptian civilization  is one of the most fascinating and mysterious in history. With its majestic pyramids, legendary pharaohs and a culture rich in symbolism and spirituality, this population has left an indelible imprint on our collective imagination.

In this article, we will explore some interesting facts about the Egyptians that may surprise you and enrich your knowledge about this extraordinary civilization. Let’s discover the secrets and wonders that make it such a fascinating and unique culture.

What are the Egyptians famous for?

The Egyptians are famous for a number of extraordinary achievements that have left an indelible mark on world history. Most prominent are the Pyramids of Giza, among the most iconic and mysterious structures of the ancient world. These funerary monuments, built as tombs for the pharaohs, testify to the engineering skill and religious dedication of the Egyptians. The Great Pyramid of Cheops, in particular, is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and continues to amaze scholars with its precision and majesty. This was followed by those of Chephren and Mycerinus, built between 2550 and 2490 BCE.

In addition to the pyramids, the Egyptians are known for their studies in medicine and science, developing surgical techniques and herbal remedies that were surprisingly advanced for the time. Medical papyri, such as the Ebers Papyrus, offer a detailed view of their medical knowledge. Equally famous are Egyptian art and writing, with its intricate hieroglyphs. The famous temples, such as those in the famous Luxor Valley, and the various tombs are decorated with frescoes and sculptures that tell stories of gods, pharaohs, and daily life. The Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799, enabled scholars to decipher hieroglyphics, opening a window into Egyptian language and culture.

Egyptian religion, with its pantheon of deities and complex rituals, also deeply influenced the culture and society of the time. Funeral practices, such as mummification, reflect this people’s belief in the afterlife and the importance of preserving the body for eternal life.

What are the main inventions of the Egyptians?

The ancient Egyptians are also known for their extraordinary inventions that left an indelible mark on human history. Prominent among them is hieroglyphic writing, a complex system of symbols that made it possible to document their culture and knowledge.

Another key invention was the solar calendar, which divided the year into three seasons of four months, each of 30 days, for a total of 360 days, followed at the end by five more days, an innovation that has since influenced modern calendars.

The Egyptians are also famous for their advanced engineering techniques, such as the building of the pyramids, which remain among the architectural wonders of the world, and developing sophisticated irrigation methods for agriculture, using the Nile to fertilize and irrigate fields.

No less important is the invention of Egyptian medicine, with surgical practices and herbal remedies that laid the foundation for modern medicine. The art of mummification also demonstrated their deep knowledge of human anatomy and preservation techniques. These inventions made the Egyptians one of the most advanced civilizations of their time, and they continue to influence the world today.

What are the traditions of Egypt?

Egypt, a land of ancient wonders and millennia-old culture, is a country rich in fascinating traditions that enchant visitors from around the world. Among the most celebrated, Ramadan represents a time of deep spirituality and sharing, during which religious families gather to break their fast with the traditional iftar.

Celebrations of Mawlid al-Nabi, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, are marked by lively festivities, with singing, dancing, and traditional sweets such as Halawet El-Mourid. No less fascinating is the tradition of Egyptian weddings, lavish events that can last several days, accompanied by music, dancing and traditional dress. For those visiting Egypt, immersing oneself in these traditions offers an authentic and unforgettable experience.

Even the very shape of the pyramids is part of Egyptian tradition. In fact, the people were inspired by the rays of the Sun in their construction.

In addition, every statue found in Egypt traditionally has the left foot—representing the position of the heart in the body—forward relative to the right, as a representation of life.

What does the cat represent to the Egyptians?

The cat, in ancient Egypt, was more than just a pet. Indeed, it was a sacred and revered symbol. The Egyptians regarded cats as embodiments of the goddess Bastet, the deity of home, fertility and protection. Bastet was often depicted with the head of a cat, and her presence was synonymous with blessing and prosperity.

Cats were also protectors of homes and barns, as they hunted rodents that threatened the food supply. This practical role was intertwined with their spiritual significance, making them essential to the daily and religious life of the Egyptians. The veneration for cats was so deep that killing a cat, even accidentally, was considered a crime punishable by death.

The cat was also so important in the family context that if a cat died, family members would go into mourning, shaving their eyebrows as a sign of respect.

In temples and homes, statues and amulets depicting cats were common and were used to invoke the protection of the goddess Bastet. This millennia-old devotion left an indelible imprint on Egyptian culture, making the cat an eternal symbol of sacredness and protection.

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